Ad for students to apply to the Wesley Student Leadership Academy

We know that you are part of Gen Z.  We know that you are not a lazy generation. You are part of a generation that wants to lead. 

We want you to have the opportunity to see real leadership and put those lessons into practice. But what leaders can you turn to? 

The hard, boisterous, self-aggrandizing gurus from YouTube and TikTok? 


Some positive, cooperative, and spiritual leadership guided by members and mentors of the very community where you live? 

The Wesley Servant Leadership Academy is looking to help teach young adults to be great leaders by partnering them with local churches, non-profits, and businesses in our community. Through Wesley Servant Leadership Academy, students will be taught how leadership works in the day-to-day with practical lessons by people that work in our local churches, non-profits, businesses, and government on:

  • team building, 

  • growth from success and failure, 

  • communication, 

  • sharing responsibilities and rewards 

As they learn these skills, students will be partnered with local institutions so they can see leadership in action and practice the skills they learn, while giving those institutions the help that they need from our young adults. Young adults learn about and help our community, while our community gets to see and guide our young adults forward. 

Being a leader is not a job title, but a practice learned and earned everyday by the actions we do. Leadership is learned through doing.

What is Required by the Student Intern

  • Fill out the application below

  • Attend Wesley Student Leadership Academy Orientation on Sept 7th

  • Attend monthly WSLA Dinner & Leadership Workshop

  • Commit to working 3-5 hours per week to receive $600 scholarship stipend

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